
What is brand strategy?

A brand strategy is the long-term plan to achieve long-term goals that ultimately result in the identification and preference of your brand by target customers. A successful brand strategy encompasses the brand’s purpose (mission), its promises to its customers, and how these are communicated.

Your brand is much more than your logo, name, slogan or colour palette. It’s the entire experience your prospects and customers have with your company, product or service. Your brand strategy defines what you stand for, the promise you make, and the personality you convey.

What is your higher purpose?

In today’s overcommunicated world, brands that authentically lead with purpose grow faster than their competitors and attract more talents and customers. A clear purpose is everything to your company, it’s the soul and identity of your brand. It articulates why your company exists, what problems you want to solve, and the interaction you want to have with your market.

Your purpose is more than a tool to advertise what your company is to capture more market shares. A sincere purpose aligned with societal good can help you create deeper connections with your target customers and achieve customer loyalty.

Purpose and mission statements are more important than ever. People want to know they are interacting with a business that stands for something, that has heart, that is committed to excellence. In other words, you can’t build a successful business in the long run if you don’t have a higher purpose than just financial gain.

Story-ify your purpose!

Tell your story to explain how your purpose will be fulfilled and make your narrative matter!
Many people will favor organizations whose missions and business philosophies resonate with them intellectually and emotionally.

The simplest way to maximize the power of your purpose is simply to story-ify it. The most powerful brand strategies tap into emotions. Neuroscientists have found emotion is the fastest path to the brain. In other words, if you want your ideas to spread, story is the single best vehicle you have to transfer that idea to another person. Stories inform, illuminate, and inspire!

Say who you are

No matter how advanced we all become in technology, it’s important for brands to understand that they are still connecting with humans. Therefore the context of your narrative must be a human, not an institutional, relationship. People want to get a sense for your company as if it was a person.

Remember: Your story should say who you are, not just what you do!

If you like to discuss the specific challenges of your own business then please don’t hesitate to get in touch!